Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ayahuasca Journey 7: Abiding in Silence and an Encounter with Her


Saturday October 14th, 2017 8PM
I'll keep this entry relatively short, broken down by highlights of the 1st and 2nd dose experiences.

Participants: Jarvis (the shaman), May (the assistant), Nancy (Hispanic in her 20s), Jack (Caucasian in his 20s), and Erika (Black in her late 30s).

1st Dose
Being that this was my 7th ceremony, by now I've had quite a bit of experience with Ayahuasca under my belt. So I knew what to expect and have begun to see a pattern with my trips. After taking my first dose, I went ahead and meditated in full lotus posture. I've gotten pretty familiar with the close-eyed visual world by now so it was not chaotic at all. As it kicked in, I pretty much got past the initial onset with ease, the first wave. Then came the second wave. This trip was not visually intensive opened or closed eye. But instead, I got a powerful feeling charging through my body. The feeling of the Ayahuasca life force surging through my veins with a heightened sense of awareness and feeling of expansive super consciousness. This was a feeling I've gotten to familiarize with over the course of my previous trips. Only this time, I skipped past the first wave relatively quickly and got into this state pretty fast. The state of feeling expansive and existing as spirit.

So I went outside to chill where Jarvis and May were having a discussion. For the next hour or two, I pretty much basked in this state of a silent mind and was hyper aware. Pure awareness. My eyes and being felt highly radiant. Over time, it slowly wore off and I began to feel normal again. Then I joined in on the conversation with Jarvis and May. So nothing too crazy to report here just a immense feeling of beingness. The purge this time was awful, the next one would be worse.

2nd Dose
After some time passed, Jarvis suggested I take another dose. I had all the time to kill so I said sure why not. Jarvis gave me a BIG dose. As I was sitting outside, the 2nd dose began to kick in. My body temperature dropped and I began to feel very cold. Starting to feel chilly and delirious, I retreated inside without uttering a word to Jarvis or May. The dose may have been too strong and I was not feeling well at all. I was very nauseous and cold. Inside, I sat in front of the center piece plant and tried to hold myself together, completely disoriented and feeling uncomfortable.

Suddenly, out of no where, open eyed, I saw a flash of what looked like data streaming in mid air. Some going up and down in a vertical fashion and left to right horizontally. Bright yellow and white divine colored data strips crisscrossing and strobbing before me as it panned from left to right. A yellow matrix. And guess what, underneath it all was a female entity behind sorting and organizing the data. Like some kind of information highway. She made herself known to me, but not fully known. It was as if she was implying to me, I see you, you're not supposed to be here, but I'm aware you're accessing our realm. She phased in and out, and in and out behind the streams of white-yellowish data. Although she had two eyes, she definitely didn't seem human. I  assume a higher intelligence of some sort, or perhaps I'm just tripping balls. Could be Mother Aya behind the veil, who knows? Or I have one hell of an imagination. As quick as she appeared, she vanished.


Still tripping, I went back to my mattress and huddled up freezing. My body temperature had dropped a bit. Finally, the nauseous and cold was too much to bear and I mustered up the focus to get up and go outside to grab my sleeping bag. I regretted not bringing it in thinking I wasn't going to floor it this time. So I stepped outside, went to the edge of the parking lot, and purged even harder than the first dose. Man this time it was rough, almost got it on myself. This purge lasted much longer, maybe 3 to 5 minutes and was the worst purge of all my trips. Once that was done, I went back to my mat with my sleeping bag and snuggled up in fetus position until I sobered up. Very little closed eye visuals. Once I was normal again, I went to Jarvis and May to report what I saw. This was by far more interesting than my first dose. Whoever or whatever she was, definitely was not of this world. I would say this is my first encounter with an unknown entity. With my 2nd journey, the open eyed visuals seemed more like "visions". This one seemed more like contact with another being.

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